
Home > DESIR meetings and workshops > DESIR workshops > DESIR - S3-LEB workshop (March 24-26, 2014)
Summary of the DESIR –S3-LEB Workshop
GANIL, March 24-26, 2014
The workshop started on Monday morning with introductory talks concerning the general context of SPIRAL1, SPIRAL2 and GANIL. The DESIR facility was presented in this general context, most notably keeping in mind the change of the SPIRAL2 construction strategy which foresees now the construction of DESIR before the SPIRAL2 production building. Due to this fact, DESIR was fully included in the perimeter of the SPIRAL2 project. Presently the design phase is re-assumed and in a realistically optimistic version the construction of DESIR could be concluded by 2018, when first experiments could start. However, the main concern in this scenario is the authorization procedure. It is not yet clear which procedure will have to be applied. This change of strategy is on the one hand a big advantage for the DESIR community, because it allows for an earlier completion of the DESIR facility. However, we are losing at the same time about half of the beams requested in the Letters of Intent from 2011.
After the presentation of the general context and a detailed discussion of technical aspects of the DESIR facility, the beam production was presented. SPIRAL1 in its upgraded version will produce proton- and neutron-rich light to medium mass nuclei. These beams will be sent to DESIR via the present LIRAT beam line. S3 with its low-energy branch will produce mainly proton-rich medium-mass to heavy nuclei and reach the region of the super-heavy elements. For both production schemes, realistic production rates were presented.
Both these beams can be purified with the SHIRaC-HRS combination and set to PIPERADE for final cleaning, if needed. Possible new collection and purification schemes for DESIR – S3-LEB were also discussed. The thus purified beams can be sent to basically all setups in DESIR.
The second day and beginning of the third day were devoted to Letters of Intent for low-energy experiments at DESIR and at S3-LEB (see programme for details). As usual these included trapping measurements (mass measurements, fundamental interactions, but also in-trap decay studies), laser spectroscopy (both collinear and in-gas cell), and decay studies.
The workshop ended with a strategy debate about how to organize the low-energy community at GANIL and where and how to do best the experiments. It was agreed upon that:
• The first experiments should be done together in the sense that experiments proposed either at S3-LEB or DESIR for the first time (at typical example being the 100Sn region) will be performed together and all physicists concerned can participate, contribute to these experiments and take responsibility. A document in this sense has to be prepared for the next GANIL Scientific Council in October 2014.
• In any case, all new equipment will need sufficient amounts of commissioning beam time which should be to a large extent independent from the GANIL PAC.
• The routine delivery of beam e.g. from S3-LEB is a concern, in particular the men power needed, as S3 and S3-LEB can not provide the help needed permanently. However, this is a general problem, because set-ups like SHIRaC, the HRS, or PIPERADE will be confronted to the same problem. The collaborations have to find solution together with the GANIL management.
• A discussion took also place about the need of a faster gas cell at the exit of S3. It was agreed that, before other actions are taken, the Leuven group will look into optimizations of their gas cell to go to significantly shorter transit times (from 250 ms to below 100ms?).
A next step for DESIR will be the new preliminary design study performed by INGEROP which will hopefully be released at latest in May and which will allow us to have a new, more precise idea about a possible layout of the DESIR facility. It is also the hope that the present total price of 24 M€ will be significantly reduced.
A beam characteristics file will be sent in the next days to all groups which intent to install equipment in DESIR. In this file, we give expected beams emittances, spot sizes and maximum number of counts. All groups should checks these characteristics and contact us, if these do not match their needs.
All groups which have presented an LOI are encouraged to fill out a file summarizing the LOI, with its physics case, the method used and the beam characteristics needed. The intention is to post these LOIs on the DESIR web pages.
The next DESIR meeting will be hold during the SPIRAL2 week from October 6-9, 2014 in Caen. We intent to organize also a steering and collaboration committee meeting during this week.
To read, in the same section...