
Home > DESIR meetings and workshops > DESIR workshops > DESIR - S3-LEB workshop (March 24-26, 2014)
The goal of the DESIR+S3-LEB workshop is to update the physics case for low-energy experiments at SPIRAL2 without the production building and update/replace the LOIs or propose new one’s with low-energy beams available at S3-LEB and, for DESIR experiments, with low-energy beams delivered by the upgraded SPIRAL1 installation (SPIRAL1-U) and by the low-energy branch of the S3 installation (S3-LEB).
Since there is common interest and complementary scientific objectives between the physics case of the S3-LEB and some of the DESIR physics cases, the workshop will aim in particular at defining the best strategy for the realization of the experiments proposed at the two different places and using the same beams. A dedicated session will be organized to optimize the scientific strategy.
Tables with expected intensities from S3-LEB and SPIRAL1-U are attached to this announcement and can be downloaded from the registration website.
The preliminary scientific program will be as follows:
Monday morning (introductory session): News about the DESIR and S3 projects (buildings, timeline, etc.) and presentation of the SPIRAL1-U and S3-LEB facilities as well as the expected beam intensities at these facilities and at DESIR.
Monday afternoon: Presentation of the DESIR Experiments using SPIRAL1-U beams
Tuesday: Presentation of experiments at S3-LEB and of experiments using S3-LEB beams at DESIR
Wednesday Morning: discussion devoted to the definition of the best strategy to be followed by and to the organization of the two collaborations.
A conference dinner is foreseen on Monday evening, see the registration website for details.
The cost for accommodation will be taken over within the DESIR-EQUIPEX program. However, the participants of the DESIR workshop have to pay for their travel expenses.
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