
Home > DESIR meetings and workshops > DESIR workshops > DESIR - S3-LEB workshop (March 24-26, 2014)
Workshop DESIR – S3-LEB
Caen March 24-26, 2014
Monday, March 24, 2014
Session 1: 9h00 – 12h35: Workshop
Chairman: M. Lewitowicz
9h00: F. Staley: Welcome
9h10: B. Blank: Welcome
9h20: H. Savajols: SPIRAL2 Phase 1+: scientific
program, timeline
9h40: E. Petit: DESIR
within the SPIRAL2 project: organization, timeline, costs
10h00: J.C. Thomas: The DESIR EQUIPEX program
Coffee break: 10h25
– 10h45
Chairman: J.C Thomas
10h45: P. Delahaye: SPIRAL1 upgrade and expected beams
11h15: A. Drouart: The
S3 facility
11h35: S. Franchoo: The
S3-LEB facility
11h55: B. Blank: Light S3-LEB
12h15: J. Piot: Heavy
S3-LEB beams
Lunch break: 12h35 – 14h00
Session 2: 14h30 – 16h40: Technical developments
Chairman: B. Blank
14h30: T. Kurtukian Nieto: SHIRaC+HRS
14h50: S. Grévy: PIPERADE
15h20: E. Minaya
Ramirez: Future developments of Penning trap mass spectrometers
Coffee break: 15h40
– 16h00
Chairman: K.
16h00: P. Dupré: Electrostatic Ion Beam Trap
test bench in Orsay
16h20: E. Minaya Ramirez: The cryogenic gas stopping cell at
Tuesday, March
25, 2014
Session 3: 9h00 – 10h40: In-trap decay studies
Chairman: H. Savajols
9h00: E. Liénard: High precision measurement in
mirror decays to test the CVC hypothesis and the CKM unitarity
9h20: X. Fléchard: Search for exotic couplings using
precision measurements of nuclear beta decay
9h40: P. Delahaye: Test of the time reversal symmetry
in the beta decay of 23Mg and 39Ca using an in-trap polarization method at DESIR
10h00: B. Blank: Search
for scalar currents with b-delayed
proton emitters
10h20: S. Grévy: In-trap decay spectroscopy to
measure neutron energies
break: 10h40 – 11h00
Session 4: 11h00
– 12h40: Radioactive decay studies
M.J.G. Borge
11h00: T. Kurtukian
Nieto: High precision measurements of
half-lives and branching ratios in mirror b decay
11h20: H. Guérin: High precision studies of the super-allowed beta decay of Tz
= 0, -1 and -2 nuclei
11h40: A. Algora: Beta strength measurements
in the 100Sn region
12h00: J. Giovinazzo: Study of the beta-delayed
two-proton decay
12h20: B. Blank: Search
for cluster radioactivity in the region above 100Sn
Lunch break: 12h40 – 14h00
Session 5: 14h00
– 16h00: Laser spectroscopy
Chairman: G. Nevens
14h00: B. Bastin: Evolution
of the Z=40 sub-shell while approaching the p-dripline
14h20: R. Ferrer: In-gas laser spectroscopy in
the 100Sn region
14h40: C. Granados: Laser spectroscopy of neutron deficient actinium isotopes around the N=126 shell closure
15h00: T. Cocolios: From N=Z=28 to the proton drip
line at LUMIERE
Coffee break: 15h20 – 15h50
15h50: M.
Bissell: Collinear
laser spectroscopy of neutron deficient isotopes of Ag and Sn across the N=50 shell
16h10: D. Yordanov: Laser spectroscopy of very neutron
deficient indium and cadmium isotopes
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Session 6: 9h00
– 11h00: Mass measurements
Chairman: M. Huyse
9h00: Ch. Weber: Mass Measurements
with MLLTRAP at DESIR: Transfermium nuclides & super-allowed beta emitters revisited
9h20: D. Lunney: The
mass of 100Sn and the extraordinary binding of N = Z nuclides
9h40: H. Savajols: Mass measurement of the heaviest N=Z nuclei
10h00: M. MacCormick: High-resolution
mass measurements of odd-odd T=1 nuclides
10h20: P. Ascher: Mass measurement of light nuclei using an MR-TOF-MS or a Penning Trap @ DESIR
10h40: D.
Lunney: Mass measurements for SPIRAL2 - phase 1+: mapping the proton drip line in the A=150 region
Coffee break: 11h00 – 11h20
7: 11h20 – 12h30: Strategy
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