Home > DESIR meetings and workshops > DESIR workshops > DESIR Physics workshop, Leuven, May 26-28, 2010 > Presentation
DESIR workshop in Leuven on May 26-28, 2010
The SPIRAL2 facility at GANIL has initiated construction for Phase 1 of the project: the accelerator and the AEL facilities S3 and NFS. Ground breaking is scheduled for this summer.
Phase 2 of the project includes the DESIR facility in addition to the production building. The selection of the main contractor for this phase will be made in the next few weeks.
Although the financing of DESIR is not completely secured and the construction is not yet decided, the engineering study for DESIR will be performed by the selected contractor and the final decision for construction will be made by mid-2011, at the latest.
Last summer, the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of SPIRAL2 requested Letters of intent (LOIs) for day-one experiments for Phase 1. The SAC now requests LOIs for phase 2, including DESIR, for November 2010.
This will be an important step for our collaboration: to show that DESIR will allow for an exciting scientific program that is not possible elsewhere. It is also the occasion to demonstrate that a large international community supports this facility. An attractive scientific program reflected in these LOIs is the best recommendation for funding agencies.
To prepare the submission of these LOIs, a DESIR workshop is organised in Leuven, Belgium, on May 26-28, 2010. The convenors will organise the Physics session according to the presentations proposed. The aim is to give the opportunity to present ideas for LOI’s to as many people as possible. So do not hesitate to submit a contribution.
Each participant is requested to take care of her/his own hotel reservation.