Home > DESIR meetings and workshops > DESIR-EQUIPEX kick-off meeting
Kick-off meeting
The DESIR-EQUIPEX kick-off meeting took place at IPN Orsay in the morning of March 29, 2013. It was coupled with the first meeting of the DESIR Steering Committee and the DESIR Collaboration Council being respectively the political and the scientific body of the DESIR collaboration.
The programme of the day can be found in the following. A click on the different talks allows to get a PDF version of the slides presented. The list of participants is attached here. The minutes for the meeting of the DESIR Steering Committee and the DESIR Collaboration Council can be found here.
Réunion de lancement DESIR EQUIPEX
DESIR Steering Committee / DESIR Collaboration Council meeting
Friday, March 29, 2013 - IPN Orsay
10h-10h15 : accueil
Réunion de lancement EQUIPEX DESIR
Chair : S. Gales, IPNO
10h15 - Mot de bienvenue à l’IPNO : F. Azaiez, IPNO
10h20 - Mot d’introduction : F. Staley, GANIL
10h25 – 12h30
Etat du projet SPIRAL2 (planning) : M. Jacquemet, GANIL
Etat de la collaboration DESIR (organisation, avancement) : B. Blank, CENBG
Etat du projet EQUIPEX-DESIR (organisation, lots) : J.C. Thomas, GANIL
Modalités de suivi de projet : Laura Lallement, ANR
Présentation des partenaires (lots, budget, manpower)
o CENBG : B. Blank
o IPHC : Ph. Dessagne
o IPNO : L. Perrot
o LPCC : D. Durand
12h30 – 13h
Financement complémentaire :
o Tutelles, ANR, FEDER, Collaborations internationales
13h00 – 14h30 Déjeuner – Salle A015
Steering Committee and Collaboration Council meeting
Chair: B. Blank, CENBG
14h30 – 16h00
Introduction: F. Staley, GANIL
DESIR Management structure, B. Blank
Creation of DESIR Steering Committee:
o Election of chair and vice-chair
o Discussion about the DESIR Management Board
Creation of DESIR Collaboration Council:
o Election of DESIR spokes-person
Coffee break
Visit of the ALTO facility