

Post-doc positions at CENBG

December 15, 2008:

Two post-doc positions at CENBG in the frame of SPIRAL2PP

The CENBG opens two post-doc positions in the frame of our work on SPIRAL2 and DESIR. The positions are financed by the EU via the SPIRAL2 Preparatory Phase and can be filled now, i.e. as fast as the administrative procedure can be completed.

The first position deals with mainly technical development on a target - ion-source (TIS) ensemble for fusion-evaporation products which will be installed in the “yellow” production cave of SPIRAL2. We are in the phase of mounting a test bench of a target - ion-source and a beam analysing system including a dipole magnet and a detection setup. We expect first stable beams from this setup beginning of 2009. In the beginning the system will be equipped with a FEBIAD ion source. Once stable operation is achieved, the system has to be modified and optimized for high-intensity beams from SPIRAL2. Therefore, we have started a measurement program to determine the heating of different materials by the beam and to compare the measurements to simulations. The aim is to simulate the complete target - ion-source system and thus optimise its parameters, the different cooling schemes etc. The experimental program is run on our local AIFIRA facility, a high-intensity light-ion machine. At a second stage, the TIS system can be installed at the AIFIRA accelerator to test its capabilities before we move it to a heavy-ion machine to test the production of radioactive species. The duty of the post-doc, in collaboration with local staff, will be to put the whole system into operation and to optimize its functioning in order to design a system capable to accept unprecedented beam intensities from the SPIRAL2 LINAG. The post-doc position will be opened initially for 12 months. A prolongation of another 12 months is possible.

The second position will be opened in the frame of the design of the DESIR facility. DESIR is the low-energy facility of SPIRAL2 and will receive radioactive beams from SPIRAL1, SPIRAL2, and S3. The layout of the facility is progressing and the building design is included in the infrastructure planning of SPIRAL2. However, the layout of the DESIR facility itself, the design of the RFQ cooler and of the high-resolution mass separator HRS, the beam lines and the setups is in the hands of the DESIR collaboration. In Bordeaux, we have studied the optical parameters of the HRS and basically fixed its optical design. More work is needed to study the DESIR beams lines, notably from the HRS and from the S3 separator to the DESIR hall and in the DESIR hall. In addition, details of the layout of the DESIR hall and of the installation of different setups is under investigation. This requires a number of technical studies, but also simulations and other estimates. The post-doc is supposed to actively participate in these efforts and help to design the DESIR facility as a world-class ISOL facility. In parallel, he/she is expected to participate in the physics program of the “Exotic nuclei” group of the CENBG which works on the decay of nuclei far from stability. The post-doc position will be opened initially for 12 months. A prolongation for another year is possible.

For more information, please contact Bertram Blank (, tel: +33 5 57 12 08 51) or Laurent Serani (, +33 5 57 12 08 40).


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