

DESIR meeting during SPIRAL2 week 2011

January 01, 2011

A DESIR collaboration meeting is scheduled on Monday, January 24, 2011 at 17h00. This meeting takes place during the SPIRAL2 week 2001 from January 24 to 28, 2011 at the Memorial of Caen. More details about the SPIRAL2 week can be found here.

During this DESIR meeting an update will be made about the progress on DESIR. A preliminary schedule is the following:

- B. Blank:
— Welcome
— DESIR LOIs, submitted, new ones
— DESIR technical coordinator

- J.C. Thomas:
— DESIR infrastructure as seen by INGEROP
— DESIR schedule
— Safety and security

- L. Perrot:
— DESIR beam lines

- B. Raine:
— Standard GANIL DAQ


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