
> Nuclear structure and astrophysics
> -NMR spectroscopy
-NMR spectroscopy
With a collinear laser beam it is possible to polarize nuclear spins. After implantation of the polarized beam in a suitable crystal, the magnetic and quadrupole moment of the nucleus can be measured with high precision using a radiofrequency field. By combining the information deduced from a hyperfine structure measurement using the collinear laser technique (the magnetic moment) and from a -NMR measurement (the g-factor), it is possible to unambiguously assign the spin of the investigated nuclear state. It is particularly important in regions far from stability to firmly assign the spin of a few nuclear states, in order to then deduce information on the spins of their mother or daughters via e.g.
-decay spectroscopy experiments (e.g. the regions around 78Ni and along the N=50 and N=82 shells).
-NMR measurements yield the nuclear moments with a precision of better than 0.1% (for g-factor) and 1% (for Q-moment), thus allowing probing small changes in the nuclear wave function, e.g. contributions from particle-hole excitations and intruder configurations in the wave function, core polarization effects, etc. In particular, the hyperfine anomaly over an isotope series can be investigated.