Home > DESIR within SPIRAL2 > DESIR in the SPIRAL2 preparatory phase in the frame work of EU’s FP7
DESIR in the SPIRAL2 preparatory phase in the frame work of EU’s FP7
DESIR takes part in the SPIRAL2 Preparatory Phase in the framework of the EU’s 7th framework program. Within this SPIRAL2PP, DESIR is in the working plan 5 entitled "Instrumentation SPIRAL2". The task 5.1 is entirely devoted to DESIR with subpackages:
Development and tests of the MLL trap
Design of the DESIR beam line and switchyards
Design of the HRS
Signature of the MoU for DESIR
In addition, collaboration meeting and meetings of the collaboration committee will be organised in this framework, the final aim being the preparation of a technical proposal to build DESIR.
The detailed work description reads as follows:
The DESIR facility is one of the new large installations proposed for SPIRAL2. The idea of the DESIR facility is to use the low-energy beams delivered by SPIRAL and SPIRAL2 before acceleration. Therefore, a big experimental hall is proposed which will accommodate the instrumentation needed to perform the ISOL type experiments envisaged at DESIR. The present proposal is to support the DESIR project to organise regular meetings of the DESIR Collaboration Committee, to organise a meeting of the whole collaboration (about 100 physicists) to prepare the DESIR proposal for SPIRAL2 during 2008 (task GANIL), to employ a post-doc in 2008 and 2009 to study the high-resolution separator HRS (task CNRS), to employ another post-doc for one year to study the beam lines in the DESIR hall and the switchyards (task CNRS/GANIL), and to help to attract new partners for the development of the MLL trap system to be installed at DESIR by supporting their travel for meetings, setting up, and testing of the experiment (task LMU Munich).