Important notice regarding registration

The registration to Microbeam workshop are now opened until May 15th, 2013. Higher fees will apply after this deadline untill July 1st, 2013.

Once you decide to register, you will be redirected to the national registration platform powered by CNRS (external link). Before starting the procedure, we encourage you to read the following important instructions.

The registration process and the payment must be done simultaneously, thus it is not possible postpone your payment to later or modify later your registration details.
Payment methods include credit card, bank transfer and bon de commande (for French institutions).

During the registration procedure, conference participants will be asked to choose between the following options :

Early registration
before May 15th, 2013
from May 16th, 2013
Microbeam conference (October 3rd-4th, 2013)120 euros200 euros
Gala (per person) - Friday evening Oct. 4th60 euros
Visit of AIFIRA facilityfree but registration is required
Abstract submissionPlease let us know here if you plan to submit an abstract

Access to meeting rooms, WiFi, morning and afternoon coffee breaks and lunches are included. In addition, participants will have the possibility to register for one additional accompanying person gala dinner (60 euros).
The gala conference dinner will take place on October 4th late afternoon and evening in the city center including a typical french cuisine dinner..

Link to online registration platform

In order to register, please use the following link and select the English flag or microbeam 2013 if a list of conferences appears:

Do not hesitate to contact us if you encounter difficulties at