Call for abstracts - Deadline: June 30th, 2013

All participants are invited to submit extended abstracts, which will be issued as Workshop Proceedings at the meeting. The Scientific Program Committee will select abstracts for oral presentation.

If you wish to be included in the abstract booklet, please submit a version of your abstract using the following template.

The lenght of the abstract should be limited to 1 page (2 columns), including figures and references.
Please name the document using your surname followed by your initial(s), e.g. 'BarberetP.doc'.

The abstracts should be sent by email as an attachment (WORD files) to:

Poster Instructions
Posters should be A0 (841 x 1189 mm), portrait orientation. Mounting boards of this dimension will be provided.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions here.