| GETActarDem (u_int dim=0, double dt=0.01L) |
virtual | ~GETActarDem () |
| ClassDef (GETActarDem, 0) |
| GETActarTpc (u_int nx=0, u_int ny=0, u_int dim=0, double dt=0.01L) |
virtual | ~GETActarTpc () |
virtual int | Init (u_int nx, u_int ny, u_int n, double dt) |
virtual GETHitMask * | SetHitMask (GETHitMaskXY *mask) |
virtual int | ExtractCoboFrame () |
virtual GETChannel * | GetMaxSignalChannel (int *ipx=NULL, int *ipy=NULL, int *ipt=NULL) |
virtual int | GetSignalBoundaries (int &ixmin, int &ixmax, int &iymin, int &iymax, int &itmin, int &itmax) |
virtual int | GetSignalBoundaries (double &xmin, double &xmax, double &ymin, double &ymax, double &tmin, double &tmax) |
| ClassDef (GETActarTpc, 0) |
| GETSystem (u_int n_cobo=1, u_int dim=0, double dt=0.01L) |
virtual | ~GETSystem () |
virtual int | ResetConfig () |
virtual int | InitConfig () |
const GETCfgSetup * | GetConfig () const |
GETCfgSetup * | GetConfig () |
virtual int | ReadXMLConfig (const string &fname) |
virtual void | Reset () |
virtual int | Init (u_int n_cobo, u_int n, double dt) |
virtual void | ClearEvent () |
bool | ChannelHasData (u_int ic) const |
virtual string | GetObjectId () const |
virtual u_int | GetChildrenNumber () const |
virtual const GETObject * | GetChild (u_int i) const |
virtual GETObject * | GetChild (u_int i) |
const GETCoBo & | operator[] (u_int n) const |
GETCoBo & | operator[] (u_int n) |
virtual u_int | GetCoBoNumber () const |
virtual u_int | GetAsAdNumber () const |
virtual int | GetChannelIndex (const GETChannel *ch) |
const GETLookupTable & | LookupTable () const |
GETLookupTable & | LookupTable () |
virtual u_int | GetChannelCount () const |
virtual int | GetChannelIndex (int ix, int iy) const |
virtual GETChannel * | GetChannel (int ix, int iy) const |
virtual GETChannel * | GetChannel (u_int n) |
virtual GETHitMask * | SetHitMask (GETHitMask *mask) |
GETHitMask * | GetHitMask () const |
virtual int | SetAnalyser (GETSystemAnalyser *a) |
GETSystemAnalyser * | GetAnalyser () const |
virtual int | SetCalibProcess (const string &calib_file) |
virtual int | SetBaselineCorrection (const string &bl_file) |
virtual int | SetOutputSmoothing (double width) |
virtual int | SetAutoBaseline (u_short num_lo, u_short num_hi, u_short off_lo=0, u_short off_hi=0) |
virtual int | SetAutoBaselineLow (u_short num_lo, u_short off_lo=0) |
virtual int | SetAutoBaselineHigh (u_short num_hi, u_short off_hi=0) |
u_int | GetEventCount () const |
string | GetRunFileName () const |
virtual int | OpenRunFile (const string &fname) |
virtual int | OpenRunSerie (const string &pattern, const string &serie) |
virtual int | CloseRunFile () |
bool | IsRunFileOpen () const |
GETRunFile * | GetRunFile () |
virtual int | ReadEvent (bool process=true) |
virtual int | AnalyseRawEvent () |
virtual int | AnalyseCorEvent () |
virtual int | ExtractXMLFileHeaderFrame () |
virtual int | ExtractCoboTopoFrame () |
virtual int | ExtractEbyedatFrame () |
virtual int | ExtractMergeFrame () |
virtual int | ProcessFrameData (MFMCommonFrame *frame) |
virtual int | ProcessMergeFrameData (MFMMergeFrame *frame) |
virtual int | ProcessCoBoFrameData (MFMCoboFrame *frame) |
virtual int | ProcessEbyedatFrameData (MFMEbyedatFrame *frame) |
virtual GETChannel * | GetMaximumChannel (u_short info=GET::signalOut, bool integ=false) |
virtual int | OutputCorrectFPN (u_int opt_fpn=GET::CoBoCorrectFPN4) |
virtual int | ZeroSuppression (double thr=0.) |
virtual int | AnyFrameUser (MFMCommonFrame &frame) |
virtual int | MergeFrameUser (MFMMergeFrame &frame) |
virtual int | CoBoFrameUser (MFMCoboFrame &frame) |
virtual int | EbyedatFrameUser (MFMEbyedatFrame &frame) |
| ClassDef (GETSystem, 0) |
virtual void | SetZeroSuppressMode (double thr=0.) |
virtual void | SetSaturationValue (int val) |
virtual int | GetSaturationValue () const |
virtual int | GetSaturationCount () const |
virtual bool | IsChannelSaturated (u_int ich) |
virtual bool | IsChannelSaturated (const GETChannel &ch) |
| GETObject () |
virtual | ~GETObject () |
int | GetId () const |
virtual string | GetFullId () const |
virtual u_int | GetSignalChannelCount () const |
virtual u_int | GetTotalChannelCount () const |
virtual GETChannel * | GetSignalChannel (u_int n) |
virtual GETChannel * | GetTotalChannel (u_int n) |
const GETObject * | GetParent () const |
GETObject * | GetParent () |
virtual void | SetTimeStep (double dt) |
u_int | GetSampleDim () |
double | GetTimeStep () |
virtual u_int | GetReadoutMultiplicity (bool fpn=true) const |
virtual double | GetSignalSum (u_short info=GET::signalOut) |
virtual void | InitLocalData (u_int n, double dt) |
virtual void | ValidDataSet () |
virtual void | ValidSimulSet () |
virtual void | SetResponse (GETResponse *ptr, bool recur=true, bool fpn=false) |
virtual void | SetResponse (GETResponse &obj, bool recur=true, bool fpn=false) |
virtual void | SetFilter (GETFilter *ptr, bool recur=true, bool fpn=false) |
virtual void | SetFilter (GETFilter &obj, bool recur=true, bool fpn=false) |
virtual void | SetNoiseIn (GETSignalModifier *ptr, bool recur=true, bool fpn=false) |
virtual void | SetNoiseIn (GETSignalModifier &obj, bool recur=true, bool fpn=false) |
virtual void | SetNoiseOut (GETSignalModifier *ptr, bool recur=true, bool fpn=false) |
virtual void | SetNoiseOut (GETSignalModifier &obj, bool recur=true, bool fpn=false) |
virtual void | SetOutputCorrection (GETProcess *ptr, bool recur=true, bool fpn=false) |
virtual void | SetOutputCorrection (GETProcess &obj, bool recur=true, bool fpn=false) |
virtual void | RemoveOutputCorrection () |
virtual void | SetOutputCorrectionList (bool warn=true) |
virtual void | AddOutputCorrection (GETProcess *ptr, bool recur=true, bool fpn=false) |
virtual void | AddOutputCorrection (GETProcess &obj, bool recur=true, bool fpn=false) |
GETResponse * | GetResponse (bool force=true) |
GETFilter * | GetFilter (bool force=true) |
GETSignalModifier * | GetNoiseIn (bool force=true) |
GETSignalModifier * | GetNoiseOut (bool force=true) |
GETProcess * | GetOutputCorrection (bool force=true) |
virtual int | ProcessData (bool in_noise=true) |
virtual int | ProcessOutFromTst (bool in_noise=true, bool out_noise=true) |
virtual int | ProcessRecFromOut (bool out_corr=true) |
virtual int | ProcessOutputCorrection () |
| ClassDef (GETObject, 0) |
This class defines a the GET system for the ACTAR TPC demonstrator. It defines 2 CoBo modules and 8 AsAd boards
The GETActarDem class proposes the allocation of histograms that can be filled automatically when a new event is read:
- all channels sumary (raw data and/or after corrections)
- amplitude and time pattern of pads signal. They require the look-up table to be defined (except for the raw data summary).
- Examples:
- ReadEvent_Demonstrator.cxx.