GET library
Loading the library in a ROOT session
In order to use the libraries within a ROOT session, the ROOT
configuration file (\b .rootrc) must be customized in order to declare
the files locations.

Here is an example of the required declarations:
# ROOT Configuration file (.rootrc)
Unix.*.Root.DynamicPath: .:$(ROOTSYS)/lib:$(JG_ROOT_LIB)
Unix.*.Root.MacroPath: .:$(ROOTSYS)/macros:$(JG_ROOT_MACRO):$(JG_ROOT_LIB)
# ACLiC customization.
ACLiC.IncludePaths: -I$(GCPP_INC) -I$(JG_ROOT_INC)
# Rint (interactive ROOT executable) specific alias, logon and logoff macros.
Rint.Logon: my_rootlogon.C
It is also possible to automatically load the libraries at root session
start, by calling the scripts provided with the libraries.

Adding the following lines to your own ROOT logon script (see \b .rootrc
file), the following libraries will be loaded, and the corresponding
include directories will be declared in your ROOT session:
- GCpp, GRootTools and GFFT libraries (J. Giovinazzo)
- MFM and TinyXML libraries
- Xerces-C XML parsing libraries
- GET and GETRoot libraries (J. Giovinazzo)
// this is to avoid a problem with the corresponding ROOT library...
TRotation *_t_rotation_dummy_ = NULL;
// Additionnal JG libraries for ROOT
if (getenv("JG_ROOT_MACRO") != NULL)
gROOT->Macro ( (TString(getenv("JG_ROOT_MACRO"))) + "/root_base_libs.C" );
cerr << "env. variable JG_ROOT_MACRO not defined" << endl;
// GFFT libraries
if (getenv("GFFT_BASE") != NULL)
gROOT->Macro ( (getenv("GFFT_BASE")+string("/root/GFFTRootLibs.C")).c_str() );
// GET Analysis libraries
// (it also loads the TinyXML and the MFM libraries)
if (getenv("GET_BASE") != NULL)
gROOT->Macro ( (getenv("GET_BASE")+string("/root/GETRootLibs.C")).c_str() );