GET library
Only Linux OS are supported (currently, I could install the libraries on Scientific Linux, CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu).
In order to build and use the GET library, the following libraries must be installed:
All the required packages can be found there: Libraries download page
Before compilation, be sure the required libraries are properly installed and corresponding environment variables are defined.
After compilation, the configuration files for OS environment must be called (see below how to set configuration in the shell configuration script).
The archive file must be extracted in the required directory, noted <base_dir>, in a shell:
A subdirectory <GETx.x> is created (where x.x is the library version).
The compilation also creates shell scripts in order to easily get the options for compilation of programs with the library, and a shell script to define environment variables.
This shell configuration script may be called in the shell configuration script.
For csh / tcsh, add the following line (exact command is printed out at the end of compilation) to the $HOME/.cshrc file:
Before compiling the additional library for ROOT analysis, the shell must be updated to take into account the GET environment variables:
For csh / tcsh:
Then compile the library
Here also, the configuration script should be added to the shell configuration file.
For csh / tcsh ($HOME/.cshrc file):
Finally, the shell configuration must be updated:
The Event Analysis library must be installed in order to compile the ACTAR TPC data reader class and program. Then, the library can be build from the GETActarEventReader class and the default program GETActarRead is compiled. The library is stored with the main GET library, and the program is stored in the GET library associated executable files (bin directory).