GET library

The Reduced-CoBo is a GET system with 1 CoBo module and 1 single AsAd board.

// Read reduced-CoBo event file
// includes from GET library
#include "GETRCoBo.hh"
// read events program
int main ( int argc, char **argv )
// create the system (reduced CoBo: GETSystem with 1 CoBo / 1 AsAd)
GETRCoBo system ( 512, 0.01 );
// open a test data file
string data_file = "../data/RCoBo/CoBo_pulser.graw";
system.OpenRunFile ( data_file );
// read single events (no processing of signal)
system.ReadEvent ( false );
system.ReadEvent ( false );
// close the events file
system.CloseRunFile ( );
return (0);