GET library
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2 /*! \file GETDocConfig.hh
3  *
4  * Documentation page related to the use of configuration files.
5  */
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9 /*! \page get_page_releases GET library release notes
10  *
11  * december 2017: version 4.0
12  * - creation of an ACTAR TPC raw data reading class and program
13  * (as a separated optional library - requires event analysis library)
14  * october 2017: version 4.0
15  * - new class GETActarTpc; the GETActarDem inherits from it.
16  * - adapted GETSystem and GETActarTpc initialization
17  * - definition of specific analyser classes (GETActarTpcAnalyser)
18  * july 2017: version 4.0
19  * - added resolution anlysis for constant signal
20  * april 2017
21  * - updated for GRootTools6.0 (and ROOT 6.xx)
22  * - GETActarDem class replaces the GETDemonstrator class
23  * - data analysis is deported to specific classes deriving from
24  * GETSystemAnalyser for easier portability
25  * - the events related histograms are moved from the GET system classes
26  * to the analyser classes
27  * - added Off-Track correction of data to the GETActarDem class
28  * - added option to skip first events in analysis
29  *
30  * december 2016: version 3.0
31  * - added channels hit multiplicity count functions for GETObject(s)
32  * - modified hit channels count for hit masks: channels above threshold
33  * and valid channels
34  *
35  * april 2016: version 3.0
36  * - added hit mask and lookup tables
37  * - corrected for compilation on CentOS (acquisition station)
38  * - use of environment variables to access XercesC library:
39  * the variables XERCESC_INC and XERCESC_LIB must be defined
40  * in the shell configuration
41  *
42  * february 2016: version 2.2
43  * - use of MFM library (version from GRU 15_10_22c) for samples readout
44  * - updated ReadEvent function from GETSystem (from current DAQ version)
45  * - added GETDemonstrator class
46  * - added programs for splitting and merging CoBo frames
47  * november 2015: version 2.2
48  * - use of MFM library (version from GRU 15_02_00) for R-CoBo samples readout
49  * - added half-chip 2-FPN correction option for RCoBo event read
50  * - corrected bugs in channel processing functions
51  *
52  * june 2015: version 2.1
53  * - requires
54  * - GRootTools5.1 (Root version 5.34)
55  *
56  * april 2015: version 2.0
57  * - basic description of GET system structure
58  * - not interfaced to real configuration files
59  * - additionnal library for ROOT sessions analysis
60  * - requires
61  * - GCpp1.0
62  * - GRootTools5.0 (Root version 5.xx)
63  * - GFFT1.1
64  *
65  *
66  */
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