GET library
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //======================================================================
2 /*! \file GETActarEventReader.hh
3  *
4  * Header file for the GETActarEventReader class.
5  */
6 //======================================================================
11 #include "GEVSimulRun.hh"
12 #include "GETActarTpc.hh"
13 #include "GETActarTpcAnalyser.hh"
15 ///! default initialization set-up file
16 #define GET_INIT_SETUP_DEFAULT_FILE "get_init_setup.dat"
18 ///! default name for events validation condition
19 #define GET_VALID_TRACK_FILTER_NAME "F_ValidTrack"
21 ///! default name for page displaying selected pads signal
22 #define GET_PAD_SIGNAL_PAGE "TestPadSignal"
24 #define GET_BAD_DATA_BASELINE 1 ///< Bad event data identifier
25 #define GET_BAD_DATA_DELTA 2 ///< Bad event data identifier
26 #define GET_BAD_DATA_READ 4 ///< Bad event data identifier
28 //======================================================================
29 /*! \page get_page_actar_reader GETActarEventReader analysis
30  *
31  * The GETActarEventReader class defines an effective run analysis class for
32  * the experimental data from ACTAR TPC.
33  *
34  * It is based on various classes:
35  * - the GEVRunBase class from the \b Event \b Analysis library, for the
36  * general run analysis scheme;
37  * - the GETActarTpc class from the \b GET library for the ACTAR / GET
38  * data processing.
39  *
40  * The class may be derived in a user class in order to include some
41  * specific analysis, otherwise a ready-to-use program is compiled
42  * for a direct use of the GETActarEventReader class: \b GETActarReader.
43  *
44  *
45  * \section get_actar_reader_class Analysis class
46  *
47  * The GETActarEventReader is based on:
48  * - the GEVRunBase class (from the <B>Event Analysis</B> library)
49  * that provides the basic scheme for events reading and
50  * processing, including a graphical user interface for interactive
51  * running and spectra analysis;
52  * - the GETActarTpc class (from GET library) that defines an object
53  * handling the data from the GET electronic;
54  *
55  * \section get_actar_reader_configuration Configuration of the analysis
56  *
57  *
58  *
59  * \section get_actar_reader_user_hook User hook functions for derived classes
60  *
61  * \par User functions from GEVRunBase class
62  *
63  * \par User functions from GETActarTpc class
64  *
65  */
67 //======================================================================
68 /*! \class GETActarEventReader
69  *
70  * See \ref get_page_actar_reader.
71  *
72  */
73 class GETActarEventReader : public GEVRunBase, public GETActarTpc
74 {
75  //------------------------------------------------------------
76  /*! \object_doc */
78  //------------------------------------------------------------
80  protected:
81  //============================================================
82  /** @name Variables related to GET system */
83  //@{
84  bool get_init; ///< GET initialization flag
85  u_int get_dim; ///< GET system channels size
86  double get_dt; ///< GET system time step
87  u_int get_nx; ///< ACTAR TPC pads number along X
88  u_int get_ny; ///< ACTAR TPC pads number along X
90  GETActarTpcAnalyser * get_analyser; ///< Pointer to the analyser object associated to GET system
92  string get_init_default; ///< Default file for GET system initialization
93  string get_init_cfg; ///< File for GET system initialization
94  string get_run_cfg; ///< File for GET system run parameters
95  string get_lookup_table; ///< File for GET system look-up table
96  bool get_lt_rpad; ///< Whether the look-up table file contains the pad number
97  bool get_lt_invxy; ///< Whether the look-up table file has inverted X-Y pads
98  //@}
100  //------------------------------------------------------------
101  /** @name Variables related to histograms created from GET data */
102  //@{
103  TH2 * h_full_raw; ///< Full raw data summary histogram
104  TH2 * h_full_out; ///< Full output corrected data summary histogram
105  TH1 * h_max_raw; ///< Raw data max amplitude summary histogram
106  TH1 * h_max_cor; ///< Corrected data max amplitude summary histogram
108  TH3 * h_exyt; ///< X-Y and T pads signal amplitude histogram
110  TH2 * h_hxy; ///< X-Y pads hits histogram
111  TH2 * h_txy; ///< X-Y pads signal time histogram
112  TH2 * h_exy; ///< X-Y pads signal amplitude histogram
113  TH2 * h_ext; ///< X-T pads signal amplitude histogram
114  TH2 * h_eyt; ///< X-T pads signal amplitude histogram
116  TH1 * h_ex; ///< X signal projection histogram
117  TH1 * h_ey; ///< X signal projection histogram
118  TH1 * h_et; ///< X signal projection histogram
120  int tdim_nt; ///< Number of bins of the time axis for the XY-T 3D histogram
121  double tdim_t0; ///< Lower value of the time axis for the XY-T 3D histogram
122  double tdim_t1; ///< Upper value of the time axis for the XY-T 3D histogram
124  bool hok_full_raw; ///< Test for full raw event histogram creation
125  bool hok_full_out; ///< Test for full corrected event histogram creation
126  bool hok_pads_xyt_e; ///< Test for XY+T pads amplitude histograms creation
127  bool hok_pads_xy_h; ///< Test for XY pads hits histograms creation
128  bool hok_pads_xy_t; ///< Test for XY pads time histograms creation
129  bool hok_pads_xy_e; ///< Test for XY pads amplitude histograms creation
130  bool hok_pads_xt_e; ///< Test for XT pads amplitude histograms creation
131  bool hok_pads_yt_e; ///< Test for YT pads amplitude histograms creation
132  bool hok_pads_x_e; ///< Test for X projection histograms creation
133  bool hok_pads_y_e; ///< Test for Y projection histograms creation
134  bool hok_pads_t_e; ///< Test for T projection histograms creation
135  bool hok_channels; ///< Indicates that some single channel histograms are defined
136  bool * hok_chan; ///< Create histograms associated to channels array parameters
137  bool hok_pads; ///< Indicates that some single pad histograms are defined
138  bool * hok_pad; ///< Create pad histograms associated to channels array parameters
139  //@}
141  /** @name Variables related to parameters created from GET data */
142  //@{
143  bool pok_data_read; ///< Test for data read per channel array parameter creation
144  bool pok_max_raw; ///< Test for channel raw maximum summary array parameter creation
145  bool pok_max_cor; ///< Test for channel corrected maximum summary array parameter creation
146  bool pok_channels; ///< Indicates that some single channel parameters are defined
147  bool * pok_chan; ///< Test for single channels array parameters creation
149  int ip_evtnum; ///< Parameter index for event number
150  int ip_max_raw; ///< Parameter index for array of maximum values for raw signals
151  int ip_max_cor; ///< Parameter index for array of maximum values for corrected signals
152  int ip_sum_all; ///< Parameter index for GET signal sum (all channels)
153  int ip_sum_thr; ///< Parameter index for GET signal sum (channels above threshold)
155  int ip_max_signal; ///< Parameter index for maximum signal value
156  int ip_max_channel; ///< Parameter index for channel number maximum signal
158  int ip_read_mult; ///< Readout channels multiplicity parameter
159  int ip_pads_mult; ///< Multiplicity of pads above (soft) threshold
160  int ip_saturation_count; ///< parameter for number of saturated channels
161  int ip_noise; ///< Parameter for array of channels noise
162  int ip_data_read; ///< Readout data number per channel parameter
163  int ip_data_chk; ///< Parameter for data checks
164  int ip_base_chk; ///< Parameter for baseline fluctuation check
165  int ip_resol_amp; ///< Parameter for amplitude resolution analysis
167  int ip_xmin; ///< Parameter index for pads signal boundaries
168  int ip_xmax; ///< Parameter index for pads signal boundaries
169  int ip_xlen; ///< Parameter index for pads signal boundaries
170  int ip_ymin; ///< Parameter index for pads signal boundaries
171  int ip_ymax; ///< Parameter index for pads signal boundaries
172  int ip_ylen; ///< Parameter index for pads signal boundaries
173  int ip_tmin; ///< Parameter index for pads signal boundaries
174  int ip_tmax; ///< Parameter index for pads signal boundaries
175  int ip_tlen; ///< Parameter index for pads signal boundaries
176  int * ip_chan; ///< Parameter index for single channels
178  // analysis parameters
179  int read_mult; ///< Readout channels multiplicity (with FPN)
180  int pads_mult; ///< Pads multiplicity
182  int bad_events; ///< Number of bad events in the run
184  double sum_all_a0; ///< Calibration parameter for GET sum
185  double sum_all_a1; ///< Calibration parameter for GET sum
186  double sum_thr_a0; ///< Calibration parameter for GET sum
187  double sum_thr_a1; ///< Calibration parameter for GET sum
188  //@}
190  //------------------------------------------------------------
191  /** @name Variables related to preselected analysis */
192  //@{
193  string pad_signal_page; ///< Page name for automatic display of pads signal
195  GStringList default_analysis; ///< Analysis loaded at initialization
196  //@}
198  public:
200  //============================================================
201  /** @name Constructor and destructor */
202  //@{
204  virtual ~GETActarEventReader ( );
205  //@}
207  //------------------------------------------------------------
208  /** @name Read of event files functions */
209  //@{
210  virtual int Open ( );
211  virtual bool IsOpen ( );
212  virtual int Close ( );
213  virtual int RunInit ( );
215  virtual int FileOpen ( );
216  virtual void FileClose ( );
218  virtual void Reset ( );
220  virtual int CreateEvent ( );
221  virtual int ReadEvent ( );
222  //@}
224  //------------------------------------------------------------
225  /** @name Graphical user interface modifications */
226  //@{
227  // Click in a page
228  virtual int HistoEventSlot ( Int_t event,
229  const GEVPage * page_ptr,
230  const GEVPad * pad_ptr,
231  const TH1 * histo_ptr,
232  const Double_t x, const Double_t y );
234  virtual int HistoClickedSlot ( const GEVPage * page_ptr,
235  const GEVPad * pad_ptr,
236  const TH1 * histo_ptr,
237  const Double_t x, const Double_t y );
239  virtual void PadPlaneButton1Click ( const TH2 * hpad, int ix, int iy );
240  virtual void PadPlaneButton1DoubleClick ( const TH2 * hpad, int ix, int iy );
241  virtual void PadPlaneButton2Click ( const TH2 * hpad, int ix, int iy );
242  virtual void PadPlaneButton2DoubleClick ( const TH2 * hpad, int ix, int iy );
244  //@}
246  //------------------------------------------------------------
247  /** @name Analysis configuration function */
248  //@{
249  virtual int ProcessCmdLine ( int & argc, char ** argv, bool supp = true );
250  virtual void ProcessLineHelp ( ) const;
252  virtual void SetDefaultAnalysis ( const string & ana );
253  virtual void SetLookupTable ( const string & ltfile );
255  virtual void ReadInitConfig ( );
256  virtual void ReadRunConfig ( );
257  virtual int ReadConfigFile ( const string & cfg );
258  virtual int ReadConfigFile ( FILE * fp );
259  virtual bool ConfigCommand ( const GString & code, const GString & args = "", FILE * fptr = NULL );
260  virtual bool ConfigCommandLine ( const string & cmd, FILE * fptr = NULL );
262  virtual void GETInit ( );
264  virtual void SetGETInitConfigFile ( const string & cfg );
265  virtual void SetGETRunConfigFile ( const string & cfg );
266  //@}
268  //------------------------------------------------------------
269  /** @name Analysis definition */
270  //@{
271  string GetCoBoId ( int i ) const; // inline
272  string GetAsAdId ( int i ) const; // inline
273  string GetAGetId ( int i ) const; // inline
274  string GetChannelId ( int i ) const; // inline
275  string GetIndexId ( int i ) const; // inline
276  string GetPadId ( int ix, int iy ) const; // inline
278  // preselected channels parameters & histograms
279  virtual void DefineChannelParam ( const string & def, bool hdef = false );
280  virtual void DefineChannelParam ( int cobo, int asad,
281  int aget, int chan,
282  bool hdef = false );
283  virtual void DefinePadParam ( const string & def, bool hdef = false );
284  virtual void DefinePadParam ( int ix0, int ix1, int iy0, int iy1, bool hdef = false );
286  virtual int DefinePadSpectrum ( int ix, int iy, bool fill = false );
288  // function defining the preselected spectra and analysis
289  virtual void PresetAnalysis ( );
291  // specific analysis start / stop reimplemented from RunBase
292  virtual void AnalysisStart ( );
293  virtual void AnalysisStop ( );
295  virtual void AnalysisEvent ( );
296  //@}
298  //------------------------------------------------------------
299  /** @name Standard user hooks function */
300  //@{
302  // Initialization function (user parameters definition,...)
303  virtual int UserEventDefine ( );
305  // Start of run processing initialization
306  virtual int UserRunStart ( );
308  // Event processing
309  virtual int UserEvent ( );
311  // Function called after spectra update
312  virtual int UserUpdate ( );
314  // Fonction appelée après mise à jour automatique de l'affichage (spécifique GUI)
315  virtual int UserRefresh ( );
317  // End of run processing
318  virtual int UserRunStop ( );
320  // Function called at analysis reset (specific GUI)
321  virtual int UserReset ( );
323  // Function called when quitting interface (specific GUI)
324  virtual int UserQuit ( );
326  // Function called when a fit is accepted (specific GUI)
327  virtual int UserFit ( );
329  //@}
331  //------------------------------------------------------------
332  /** @name ROOT related function */
333  //@{
334  // For ROOT encapsulation
335  ClassDef(GETActarEventReader,0);
336  //@}
337 };
339 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
341 #ifdef __MAKECINT__
342 #pragma link C++ class GETActarEventReader;
343 #endif
345 //======================================================================
346 // Inline function
348 /*! Function defining a standardized short identifier for a CoBo module.
349  * \param i CoBo index
350  */
351 inline string GETActarEventReader::GetCoBoId ( int i ) const
352  { char str[16]; sprintf ( str, "C%02d", i ); return ( string(str) ); }
354 /*! Function defining a standardized short identifier for an AsAd board.
355  * \param i Asad index (0-3)
356  */
357 inline string GETActarEventReader::GetAsAdId ( int i ) const
358  { char str[16]; sprintf ( str, "A%01d", i ); return ( string(str) ); }
360 /*! Function defining a standardized short identifier for an AGet chip.
361  * \param i AGet index (0-3)
362  */
363 inline string GETActarEventReader::GetAGetId ( int i ) const
364  { char str[16]; sprintf ( str, "G%01d", i ); return ( string(str) ); }
366 /*! Function defining a standardized short identifier for an AGet channel.
367  * \param i channel index (0-67)
368  */
369 inline string GETActarEventReader::GetChannelId ( int i ) const
370  { char str[16]; sprintf ( str, "Ch%02d", i ); return ( string(str) ); }
372 /*! Function defining a standardized short identifier for a channel of the
373  * whole GET system.
374  * \param i channel index
375  */
376 inline string GETActarEventReader::GetIndexId ( int i ) const
377  { char str[16]; sprintf ( str, "%05d", i ); return ( string(str) ); }
379 /*! Function defining a standardized short identifier for a pad.
380  * \param ix pad index along X (0-...)
381  * \param iy pad index along Y (0-...)
382  */
383 inline string GETActarEventReader::GetPadId ( int ix, int iy ) const
384  { char str[16]; sprintf ( str, "x%03d_y%03d", ix, iy ); return ( string(str) ); }
387 //======================================================================
389 #endif
string GetIndexId(int i) const
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:376
virtual void AnalysisStart()
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:1943
int ip_ylen
Parameter index for pads signal boundaries.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:172
int ip_evtnum
Parameter index for event number.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:149
int read_mult
Readout channels multiplicity (with FPN)
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:179
virtual int HistoClickedSlot(const GEVPage *page_ptr, const GEVPad *pad_ptr, const TH1 *histo_ptr, const Double_t x, const Double_t y)
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:456
string pad_signal_page
Page name for automatic display of pads signal.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:193
string GetChannelId(int i) const
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:369
virtual void AnalysisStop()
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:1954
virtual void PadPlaneButton2DoubleClick(const TH2 *hpad, int ix, int iy)
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:631
GETActarTpcAnalyser * get_analyser
Pointer to the analyser object associated to GET system.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:90
double tdim_t1
Upper value of the time axis for the XY-T 3D histogram.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:122
TH1 * h_et
X signal projection histogram.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:118
bool hok_pads_xy_h
Test for XY pads hits histograms creation.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:127
bool hok_pads_xt_e
Test for XT pads amplitude histograms creation.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:130
int ip_tmax
Parameter index for pads signal boundaries.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:174
u_int get_nx
ACTAR TPC pads number along X.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:87
virtual void PadPlaneButton1Click(const TH2 *hpad, int ix, int iy)
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:537
double sum_thr_a0
Calibration parameter for GET sum.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:186
int ip_ymax
Parameter index for pads signal boundaries.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:171
int ip_tmin
Parameter index for pads signal boundaries.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:173
virtual int UserEvent()
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:2161
virtual int UserFit()
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:2224
double get_dt
GET system time step.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:86
virtual void GETInit()
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:1482
int ip_xlen
Parameter index for pads signal boundaries.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:169
int ip_ymin
Parameter index for pads signal boundaries.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:170
virtual bool ConfigCommand(const GString &code, const GString &args="", FILE *fptr=NULL)
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:1172
virtual bool IsOpen()
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:145
int ip_saturation_count
parameter for number of saturated channels
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:160
bool hok_full_out
Test for full corrected event histogram creation.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:125
bool hok_pads_t_e
Test for T projection histograms creation.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:134
virtual void ReadRunConfig()
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:991
bool hok_pads_yt_e
Test for YT pads amplitude histograms creation.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:131
int * ip_chan
Parameter index for single channels.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:176
virtual int ReadConfigFile(const string &cfg)
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:1039
bool hok_pads_xyt_e
Test for XY+T pads amplitude histograms creation.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:126
string GetCoBoId(int i) const
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:351
string get_init_default
Default file for GET system initialization.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:92
double sum_all_a1
Calibration parameter for GET sum.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:185
bool hok_pads_xy_t
Test for XY pads time histograms creation.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:128
bool get_init
GET initialization flag.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:84
TH1 * h_ex
X signal projection histogram.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:116
string GetAGetId(int i) const
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:363
int ip_xmax
Parameter index for pads signal boundaries.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:168
bool hok_pads_y_e
Test for Y projection histograms creation.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:133
TH2 * h_exy
X-Y pads signal amplitude histogram.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:112
string GetAsAdId(int i) const
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:357
int ip_pads_mult
Multiplicity of pads above (soft) threshold.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:159
virtual int UserRunStart()
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:2153
bool * hok_chan
Create histograms associated to channels array parameters.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:136
int tdim_nt
Number of bins of the time axis for the XY-T 3D histogram.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:120
virtual int UserQuit()
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:2205
double tdim_t0
Lower value of the time axis for the XY-T 3D histogram.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:121
int pads_mult
Pads multiplicity.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:180
int ip_data_read
Readout data number per channel parameter.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:162
double sum_thr_a1
Calibration parameter for GET sum.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:187
bool hok_channels
Indicates that some single channel histograms are defined.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:135
bool pok_max_raw
Test for channel raw maximum summary array parameter creation.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:144
TH3 * h_exyt
X-Y and T pads signal amplitude histogram.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:108
virtual int DefinePadSpectrum(int ix, int iy, bool fill=false)
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:1725
int ip_resol_amp
Parameter for amplitude resolution analysis.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:165
virtual void SetLookupTable(const string &ltfile)
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:934
int bad_events
Number of bad events in the run.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:182
bool get_lt_rpad
Whether the look-up table file contains the pad number.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:96
virtual int UserEventDefine()
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:2140
int ip_base_chk
Parameter for baseline fluctuation check.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:164
TH1 * h_ey
X signal projection histogram.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:117
TH2 * h_hxy
X-Y pads hits histogram.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:110
virtual void DefinePadParam(const string &def, bool hdef=false)
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:1669
string GetPadId(int ix, int iy) const
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:383
bool pok_max_cor
Test for channel corrected maximum summary array parameter creation.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:145
TH2 * h_full_out
Full output corrected data summary histogram.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:104
int ip_tlen
Parameter index for pads signal boundaries.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:175
double sum_all_a0
Calibration parameter for GET sum.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:184
string get_init_cfg
File for GET system initialization.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:93
GETCoBo * cobo
Array of CoBo modules.
Definition: GETSystem.hh:139
TH2 * h_full_raw
Full raw data summary histogram.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:103
int ip_xmin
Parameter index for pads signal boundaries.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:167
Definition: GETActarTpcAnalyser.hh:53
virtual void SetGETRunConfigFile(const string &cfg)
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:1539
string get_run_cfg
File for GET system run parameters.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:94
virtual void Reset()
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:259
bool get_lt_invxy
Whether the look-up table file has inverted X-Y pads.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:97
virtual void PresetAnalysis()
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:1799
int ip_max_channel
Parameter index for channel number maximum signal.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:156
virtual void SetDefaultAnalysis(const string &ana)
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:925
GStringList default_analysis
Analysis loaded at initialization.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:195
bool hok_pads_xy_e
Test for XY pads amplitude histograms creation.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:129
virtual void DefineChannelParam(const string &def, bool hdef=false)
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:1554
virtual void PadPlaneButton2Click(const TH2 *hpad, int ix, int iy)
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:621
bool pok_channels
Indicates that some single channel parameters are defined.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:146
virtual int UserRunStop()
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:2189
virtual void AnalysisEvent()
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:1968
u_int get_ny
ACTAR TPC pads number along X.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:88
bool * hok_pad
Create pad histograms associated to channels array parameters.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:138
bool hok_pads_x_e
Test for X projection histograms creation.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:132
int ip_max_cor
Parameter index for array of maximum values for corrected signals.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:151
int ip_sum_thr
Parameter index for GET signal sum (channels above threshold)
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:153
int ip_max_signal
Parameter index for maximum signal value.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:155
u_int get_dim
GET system channels size.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:85
int ip_sum_all
Parameter index for GET signal sum (all channels)
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:152
virtual bool ConfigCommandLine(const string &cmd, FILE *fptr=NULL)
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:1107
string get_lookup_table
File for GET system look-up table.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:95
virtual void SetGETInitConfigFile(const string &cfg)
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:1524
virtual int ProcessCmdLine(int &argc, char **argv, bool supp=true)
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:657
TH1 * h_max_raw
Raw data max amplitude summary histogram.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:105
virtual int HistoEventSlot(Int_t event, const GEVPage *page_ptr, const GEVPad *pad_ptr, const TH1 *histo_ptr, const Double_t x, const Double_t y)
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:382
virtual int UserRefresh()
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:2181
virtual int UserUpdate()
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:2171
virtual int UserReset()
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:2197
bool hok_full_raw
Test for full raw event histogram creation.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:124
TH2 * h_txy
X-Y pads signal time histogram.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:111
TH1 * h_max_cor
Corrected data max amplitude summary histogram.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:106
int ip_data_chk
Parameter for data checks.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:163
bool hok_pads
Indicates that some single pad histograms are defined.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:137
Definition: GETActarTpc.hh:28
int ip_max_raw
Parameter index for array of maximum values for raw signals.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:150
virtual void ProcessLineHelp() const
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:867
virtual void ReadInitConfig()
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:946
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:73
bool pok_data_read
Test for data read per channel array parameter creation.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:143
virtual void PadPlaneButton1DoubleClick(const TH2 *hpad, int ix, int iy)
Definition: GETActarEventReader.cpp:551
TH2 * h_eyt
X-T pads signal amplitude histogram.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:114
int ip_noise
Parameter for array of channels noise.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:161
bool * pok_chan
Test for single channels array parameters creation.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:147
TH2 * h_ext
X-T pads signal amplitude histogram.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:113
int ip_read_mult
Readout channels multiplicity parameter.
Definition: GETActarEventReader.hh:158