GET library

Example of a ROOT macro that computes the average samples and the RMS for all channels, from aTPC demonstrator run file.

* [ROOT] .L Demonstrator_RMS1.C
* [ROOT] PlotDemonstrator_RMS1 ( "../../data/Demonstrator/run_baseline.dat", 0, 0, 1, 17 );

The processing is done in the macro itself, from channels output content.

// ROOT macros for TPC demonstrator system
// - read a test file (2 CoBo modules / 8 AsAd)
// - compute mean sample for all channels
// - compute RMS sample for all channels
// - display result for 1 channel
These macros require to load the GET libraries
gROOT->Macro ( (getenv("GET_BASE")+string("/root/GETRootLibs.C")).c_str() );
To execute the macro
.L Demonstrator_RMS1.C
PlotDemonstrator_RMS1 ( "../../data/Demonstrator/run_baseline.dat", 0, 0, 1, 17 );
// This function reads all events from a TPC demonstrator run file
// (a baseline run).
// For all channels, it creates the average signal.
// The the file is read a second time to compute the RMS of the
// signal.
// The average and the RMS are computed directly in the macro.
// The result is plotted for one channel.
void PlotDemonstrator_RMS1 ( const string & data_file,
u_short cobo_id,
u_short asad_id,
u_short aget_id,
u_short chan_id )
// create the GET system
u_short ncobo = 2; // 2 CoBo modules (TPC demonstrator)
u_int n = 512; // 512 samples / channel
double dt = 0.01; // 0.01 us sampling time
GETSystem gDem(ncobo,n,dt);
u_int nch_tot = gDem.GetTotalChannelCount();
// create GET systems to store the mean and RMS samples
GETSystem gDemMean(ncobo,n,dt);
GETSystem gDemRMS (ncobo,n,dt);
// Compute the average for all channels
cout << endl
<< "Computing averages" << endl;
u_int nr = 0; // number of events read
gDem.OpenRunFile ( data_file );
while ( gDem.ReadEvent ( false ) == 0 )
nr++; // increment the number of events
for ( u_short ic = 0; ic < ncobo; ++ic ) // loop on CoBo modules
for ( u_short ia = 0; ia < 4; ++ia ) // loop on AsAd boards
for ( u_short ig = 0; ig < 4; ++ig ) // loop on AGet chips
for ( u_short ich = 0; ich < 68; ++ich ) // loop on channels
gDemMean[ic][ia][ig][ich].OutSample() += gDem[ic][ia][ig][ich].OutSample();
} // end channels loop
} // end AsAd loop
} // end AsAd loop
} // end CoBo loop
gDem.CloseRunFile ( );
cout << " - Number of events read: " << nr << endl
<< endl;
if (nr > 0)
// divide by the number of events
for ( u_int i = 0; i < nch_tot; ++i )
gDemMean.GetChannel(i)->OutSample() *= (1./nr);
// Compute the RMS for all channels
cout << "Computing RMS" << endl
<< endl;
nr = 0;
gDem.OpenRunFile ( data_file );
while ( gDem.ReadEvent ( false ) == 0 )
for ( u_int i = 0; i < nch_tot; ++i )
GETSample dif = gDemMean.GetChannel(i)->OutSample() - gDem.GetChannel(i)->OutSample();
gDemRMS.GetChannel(i)->OutSample() += dif*dif;
gDem.CloseRunFile ( );
// square root and event number normalization
for ( u_int i = 0; i < nch_tot; ++i )
GETSample & rms = gDemRMS.GetChannel(i)->OutSample();
double * data = rms.GetFunctionData(false);
for ( u_short j = 0; j < n; ++j )
double val = data[j];
rms.SetFunctionValue ( j, sqrt(val/(nr-1.)) );
// see RRealSampleFFT (GETSample) documentation
// (not needed here since we used SetFunctionValue)
rms.FunctionSet ( true );
// Plot the results for one channel
GETSample sample_mean = gDemMean[cobo_id][asad_id][aget_id][chan_id].OutSample();;
GETSample sample_rms = gDemRMS [cobo_id][asad_id][aget_id][chan_id].OutSample();;
// compute the mean sample +/- the RMS
GETSample sample_inf = sample_mean - sample_rms;
GETSample sample_sup = sample_mean + sample_rms;
// the GETSample is a RRealSampleFFT object (see GFFT documentation)
TGraph * gr_mean = sample_mean.CreateFunctionGraph ( );
gr_mean->SetTitle ( "Average + RMS channel output" );
gr_mean->SetLineColor ( kRed+1 );
gr_mean->SetLineWidth ( 2 );
gr_mean->SetLineStyle ( 1 );
gr_mean->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser ( 0., (n-1)*dt );
TGraph * gr_inf = sample_inf.CreateFunctionGraph ( );
gr_inf->SetLineColor ( kGreen+1 );
gr_inf->SetLineWidth ( 1 );
gr_inf->SetLineStyle ( 1 );
TGraph * gr_sup = sample_sup.CreateFunctionGraph ( );
gr_sup->SetLineColor ( kGreen+1 );
gr_sup->SetLineWidth ( 1 );
gr_sup->SetLineStyle ( 1 );
TCanvas * canvas = new TCanvas ( "PlotRMS", "PLOTRMS", 800, 400 );
gr_mean->Draw ( "AL" );
gr_inf->Draw ( "L" );
gr_sup->Draw ( "L" );
// create an EPS file
gSystem->mkdir ( "plots", kTRUE );
canvas->SaveAs ( "plots/Demonstrator_RMS1.eps" );